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hi umm so i was wondering if you guys cold share your experience about this subject was t...

Gadosha32 November 28, 2014 8:56 am

hi umm so i was wondering if you guys cold share your experience
about this subject
was there a time in school when you were asked to work with someone who held different views or beliefs from your own. How did you handle the situation?

    Gadosha32 November 28, 2014 8:56 am


    holymangobatman November 28, 2014 9:19 am

    Well I always tried to keep it professional and not let the topics that we disagreed on come up. Is there a specific thing you're dealing with?

    Ju-on November 28, 2014 11:39 am

    Always! I'm a teacher, so, imagine dealing with 20 adults all with a different background as you?
    I think school is a nice place to know different people. Maybe you share very different beliefs, but hey, there's always open space for dialogue as long as you don't trample on people's beliefs or mock one another. You and your coleague have the opportunity to share different experiences and different ways of accomplishing the task you were given and should try to come to an understanding. Maybe you could even become friends, eh?
    But I know life isn't like a friekin kid's tv show so if your friend isn't open to dialogue or try to force you to accept things you're not comfortable with, like which soccer team to root for (metaphorically), keep it professional and ask gently for the person to stop what their doing, since you're uncomfortable.

    Try to put yourselves in each other's shoes. Works for me everytime :)

    The Black Lantern November 28, 2014 1:33 pm

    I usually just avoid topics that I know we both will go ''sparta'' for.. LOL.
    It's not really my thing to force upon others what I believe even if they are just opinions (Unless necessary though,like for a debaate? haha) Even more so,the other party should also respect your/our decisions and vice versa.
    But when it's really the other person is babbling about it,I try to just smile,nods,occasional yesses :) then,change to a safer topic.

    claymore November 28, 2014 1:36 pm

    all the time? i'm not sure what you're talking about, but it usually isn't a cause for conflict. if there's a difference in we the way we want to do things (work on a group project, for example), we talk about the differences and try to come up with a compromise.

    Anonymous November 28, 2014 1:48 pm

    Lol well in such situations try to NOT fight just say your pinions and try to come up with something both of you would agree on
    in my case i did that but at sometimes acted like a vilian lol well that's about it just be sure you'll have something in common to agree on after suggestions you both make

    Gadosha32 November 28, 2014 2:06 pm

    wow guys thank you cause this problem has been giving me headaches >< thank you for sharing ^^