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I don’t like the way you guys cursing at Perrat.

Choke_me_senpei August 9, 2020 4:06 pm

Well, Perrat didn’t act unreasonably tho. Just look at how he cherishes their memories, their promise and how he has always been putting alot of effort and affection to support the third prince. But the female protagonist’s mistake has ruined everything, ruined all of his effort and broke his heart. I know he’ll end up having someone else at the end, maybe the third prince’s sister, or maybe he’ll just end up living alone, standing behind and serving the main couple forever. And I also understand that choosing to betray the FL was his big mistake. However, he had no choice. Feeling heart broken, feeling of being abandoned by the most trusted one, anyone wouldn’t be able to control themselves bearing with those negative emotions, afterall, he is just a human. I’m not really against the female protagonist anyway, she did help alot, she was a strong, lovable and a smart person. However, mistake is a mistake, and the fact that her existence did leave a huge problem for the whole world which she created is real. But the story just hasn’t ended yet, I believe the second prince and his wife will join the fight soon, and every thing will be settled down.
And the fact that the small black spirit is still trying to help her despite the fact that it’s becoming weak gradually just breaks my heart. I hate seeing someone’s effort being neglected, unnoticed, sigh.

    Humayra August 9, 2020 8:30 pm

    I agree!! Perrat shouldnt be hated on just because he had to what he had to do, i mean that deal was pretty good lmao cant wait to see all the action kyte and vasser better end up together (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Ritchie August 11, 2020 6:45 pm

    Yes i agree everyone hated perrat because he bacame a traitor at the last update chapters. But for me i still like him! He only do what he can do just for the third prince because it was his role as how the author creates him no matter what it is he can give even his life for the 3rdprince.. and he hurts a lot for being in love with the person he like but that person been inlove with the person he cherished and respect the most. So why people wanted him to die ╥﹏╥

    Humayra August 12, 2020 2:07 pm
    Yes i agree everyone hated perrat because he bacame a traitor at the last update chapters. But for me i still like him! He only do what he can do just for the third prince because it was his role as how the aut... Ritchie

    for reallll