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To Uploader-ssi

bunnysenpai August 11, 2020 3:05 pm

I’m not trying to be mean...but as someone who scanlates manhwa and is fluent in Korean, the amount of translation errors and the quality if the chapter makes it hard to read and follow. Of course, sniping a work from an established scanlation team is an issue in itself. Although, some people snipe when they feel the team/uploader has become inactive or the quality isn’t great, this is the opposite. A team is already working on this, why put out this low quality chapter? I appreciate the work, I know how hard translating is, but this is still disrespectful to the team that spends hours cleaning, typesetting, and translating to give us the best quality possible.

    bunnysenpai August 11, 2020 3:11 pm

    On that note, the scan team has a lot of projects and has a history of slower uploads. If you didn’t know if they were still active, you could have looked at tumblr to see if they dropped or messaged them. I understand your good intentions and that you’re new at this, but this pains me as a scanlator that often does solo projects that take a while. If someone sniped my work when a chapter took some time and put out a chapter without my knowledge, I would be extremely upset. Please understand that this isn’t hate! If you don’t know how to clean or typeset, the best thing is to join a team!