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My that was one wild ride... This really should be labelled "harem" because at a point it ...

Anonymous December 4, 2014 12:07 pm

My that was one wild ride... This really should be labelled "harem" because at a point it seemed like EVERYONE was falling for Takaaki... I thought even Kenzaki would start liking him too. But no, he was the one character to be spared the "Takaa-sickness".

I was rooting for Takaa/Shin though I honestly liked ALL couples. Could have done without the last part after Shinkawa "won" Takaaki though... I do realize there is no peaceful "happily ever afters" in real life once a couple gets together, and thatin reality there still continue to be problems but jeez I don't want to keep reading about them forever... If this ressembles real life relationships, then I realize perhaps I don't like my yaoi fiction being too realistic..? -_-
