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Well I must say this is my first yaoi with horror element to it and I really like it...I m...

Rez July 27, 2012 7:54 pm

Well I must say this is my first yaoi with horror element to it and I really like it...I mean yeah it lacked a little in romance but not in emotions I guess akihiko liked ei san a little more than ren, that's what I could make out till the end both of them kept thinking n wanting to see each other...aargh sensei pls u should take out a sequel to this story m sure ur fans will be more than happy to read it.

    nightwalker November 8, 2012 3:55 am

    you r lucky this is your first. my first was hardcore s&m and that was before i knew what yaoi was!

    yaoi lover January 13, 2013 3:31 pm

    nightwalker, i think Rez mean its her first yaoi with horror not first yaoi. But it sounds rough for you.

    steve January 21, 2014 10:20 pm

    My 1st yaoi was soft, but i was perverted before that, so it soon wasn't enough and i started reading s&m thing XD
    P.S. But still love romantic yaoi.