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Holy sh*t what a masterpiece

Natsuri August 14, 2020 7:56 am

The author’s message and ideas conveyed by looking at every possible viewpoint, especially in that confrontation/conversation between Kensuke’s view as the one in the ‘wrong’ as well as Shingo’s girlfriend... This hit all the right spots for me to be honest, I expected what was going to happen between Futaba and Taichi, but it was a good friendship and learning experience for both them and the readers. The way they tackled so many social problems and etiquettes everyone has to battle on their own is amazing. It really conveys without the large drama or exaggerations how really messed up social and ethical points are viewed. Masumi’s point of view about wisdom was especially hard and truthful in the sense, but it could also be viewed as wrong in certain scenarios such as running away from problems. UGH I JUST ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS ENTIRE SERIES ABOUT A COMING OF AGE LIFE STORY.
