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chapter 201 isn't in the right arrangement I hope it getting fixed... and where is the kis...

Vell December 12, 2014 8:30 am

chapter 201 isn't in the right arrangement I hope it getting fixed... and where is the kiss scene between yuta and leez.. annoyed...

I want the kiss scene even though It was look like licking and biting instead of kissing..

    Rose1826x December 13, 2014 5:57 pm

    You don't have to wait for the chapter to get "fixed" if you just use the overlays.

    You should be using the overlays either way since they (have more chapters updated ...) and it helps support the author.
    Spread the word to use the overlay method.

    Onna31 December 17, 2014 3:40 am
    You don't have to wait for the chapter to get "fixed" if you just use the overlays. You should be using the overlays either way since they (have more chapters updated ...) and it helps support the author. Sprea... Rose1826x

    Whats is 'overlays'?

    Onna31 December 17, 2014 3:41 am
    Whats is 'overlays'? Onna31

    Oh nvm just saw ir recent post,so is an apps then?

    Rose1826x December 18, 2014 2:24 am
    Whats is 'overlays'? Onna31

    Ummm, think of it like this. You have two sheets of paper. One sheet is placed over the over, expect the paper on top only has some parts covering the one on the bottom (Like it has holes in it).
    So you go to the original Naver website, (the Korean one) to the page where Kubera is at, select a chapter, and hit your bookmark (or plugin) and it alters the page for you into what the translators have done for you. (Changing the Korean text into English text).
    It's great because you are supporting Currygom by visiting Naver's site.
    It also keeps the group translating it out of trouble. (Naver has "offical" English translations going on, which is why the previous group had to drop translating it. But with the overlays it's a bit of a loophole of sharing copyrighted materials, as there's no "sharing")
    However, Manga reader sites like these have been uploading screenshots of the overlays. Really bad screenshots too. But it also puts the group translating it in the spotlight.
    Please use the Overlay method. (Copy and paste to your browser to find out how)

    Onna31 December 18, 2014 6:34 am

    So basicly we just hv to visit the official website n read from there? Not only it suport the mangaka but also we cn read the correct bubble for that manga? I assume this whats you trying to say. Well,thanks for the explanation

    Rose1826x December 18, 2014 8:40 pm
    So basicly we just hv to visit the official website n read from there? Not only it suport the mangaka but also we cn read the correct bubble for that manga? I assume this whats you trying to say. Well,thanks fo... Onna31

    Pretty much. (Of course you need to get the bookmark, or plug in before visiting the Naver site. Otherwise you're just looking at Korean, heh).