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Use the Overlays!!!!

Rose1826x December 13, 2014 5:28 pm

Everyone please use the overlays. It supports the author by visiting the official Naver site. It also helps keep the group translating it out of trouble so they can continue translating for us fans. Please spread the word to use the overlays.
(The overlay is a plugin that alters the way the page looks to you putting English translated text over the original text. The author still gets the views, and clicks for you using this overlay. (since you are going to the original site.) )

Reading it on mangareader sites (like this) doesn't support Currygom.

    YKA January 20, 2020 11:37 am

    How to get the overlay for support this Kubera? Im not reading it yet but can I know how? "Overlay" work?

    Anonymous March 16, 2020 10:16 am
    How to get the overlay for support this Kubera? Im not reading it yet but can I know how? "Overlay" work? YKA

    Same! Lmk if you got it to work.

    Periodttt June 27, 2020 11:02 pm

    Can you please let me know how overlays work? What plugin do I install to make it work?