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I'm not sure how to feel about this one. O_O I think I really enjoyed it, but some parts w...

shh December 17, 2014 4:03 am

I'm not sure how to feel about this one.
I think I really enjoyed it, but some parts were incredibly frustrating. The art took getting used to, as well. But once I grew used to it I didn't mind it as much. I don't think it's awful, but it is really.. different? I can't explain.

The story was interesting, but what I loved most was how they portrayed the rape. The uke and seme weren't just happy and dandy after it. The uke was afraid of him, and the seme was seriously hating on himself, and feeling honest to God guilty. He even said "What I did to you was pure violence."

Something like this, it's not admitted in yaoi often. It's normally fixed by tears and more sex, or just blown off completely. That is what stood out to me, it impressed me quite a bit. Good on the manga artist for that one. Did they still repair their relationship super fast? Yea, I think so. But this is, at the end of the day, manga. And we don't really have 8 years to go over their story.

Over all, I liked it, but the couple was kinda... annoying. It was good, semi realistic even, but I only kind of liked it. Art was definitely distinct, I could certainly tell which manga artist this is just by looking. But it takes some getting used to. It might not be everyone's cup of tea.

I recommend it, but not highly, if you don't like the art or can't stand it, you're not missing much by skipping this one. It's a pretty interesting read, but there's just something that made me not enjoy this so much. Oh well. Still really good though.

    shh December 17, 2014 4:11 am

    Oh, and yes. This has pretty graphic rape, including blood. Please don't read this if it triggers you. At a minimum you can still skip the scene. It's chapter 3, pages 16-22.