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Everyone has their own opinion

lovemanga December 20, 2014 7:03 pm

To be honest you people that are reading this manga should just be kind and say what you really felt about it. Instead of saying this and that. To me I felt the same, but still it's a good story. I have a feeling that some manga aren't completed completely because of the rating, or it could be the bad comment. I read a lot a manga's so I know how you all felt about the artwork and the stories of the manga. So just say what is trully inside of you and you want them know. (I feel that some people is going to put on "Annoying" on my comment)

    Cynthia200011 December 21, 2014 1:10 am

    I say what I'm honest about mostly, in fact I've taken that 'apptitude test' form divergent. And everyone had already predicted the results. They all sad I would be Candor, meaning I have no filter and spout out whatever comes to mind. Which I do, even if it's rude. And yep, I got Candor. But if someone does find this comment annoying, it's probably because your right and they don't like being criticized.

    silverdragon78 March 6, 2015 1:27 pm

    In all honesty I liked it. I had no problem with the art and even though it did move fast I still understood the storyline. as for the translation, I could understans what was being said and it didn't subtract from my enjoyment of the manga. :)