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sorry but I need to take a break after reading Volume 2

KennaKenma August 17, 2020 2:12 pm

So.. you're saying that IT'S FINE TO RAPE SOMEONE (APPARENTLY THAT SOMEONE IS A PERSON THAT YOU LIKE) JUST BECAUSE THAT SOMEONE HURT YOUR FEELINGS? like, talking with the other guys/girls when you're both are not even dating? And after the rape you told them "you reap what you sow"??

Ha! Oh my.. so it's really our fault for getting rape by you? like.. I just can't.. I'm SORRY if u thought I'm annoying by saying this.. but for someone who experienced getting rape and sexually assault countless times.. I just can't accept this is how they view us as a victim..

Is it just me that doesn't see the RAPE WARNING in this manga or something?

I'm gonna take a long break to continue reading this..
