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I hate all of them lmao except hae-in he's precious. Bumjoon is a morally questionable a...

misaki August 17, 2020 2:17 pm

I hate all of them lmao except hae-in he's precious.

Bumjoon is a morally questionable asshole stepping over boundaries just because he knows jinho will let it slide.

Jinho is too airheaded that it's fucking annoying. He just goes with the flow and doesn't enforce boundaries which is disrespectful to his partner and a disservice to himself.

And huanung is my least favorite of all of them. He reminds me of every asshole guy I've ever met who pushed my boundaries and harrassed or assaulted me just because I was nice to them. He's a creep and I can't fucking stand him. He was self-aware of his own bad nature and the author sprinked a lot of comedy over it to make it seem acceptable, but at the end of the day it's still harrassment and assault. And then blaming Jinho for his actions ("it's his own fault I assault him because he's so cute"). Ugh gross!!! Gtfo!

    hxho August 31, 2020 2:31 am

    I was laughing so hard, but i totally agree