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It's always a huge turn off for me when they say that yeah he is my 'love at first sight' ...

Dayu August 19, 2020 1:25 pm

It's always a huge turn off for me when they say that yeah he is my 'love at first sight' but i got no problem sleeping around. I know it can happen...(or can it) but yeah...

    Gumdropprince November 30, 2020 11:15 am

    Same or whenever theres also a childhood friends plot

    Dayu December 1, 2020 6:19 pm
    Same or whenever theres also a childhood friends plot Gumdropprince

    YEA exactly!! thats even worse for me. i just hate it when the cp has been childhood friends before and meets years after only to know they both loved each other... thats frustrating. this is one scenario with childhood friends and there's lot of others that gets on my nerves