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TBH I am so amazed that Roxy remembers the words said to him. Like if someone spoke to me ...

Ace August 19, 2020 3:42 pm

TBH I am so amazed that Roxy remembers the words said to him. Like if someone spoke to me in french, even though I know a little, I would forget it as soon as it is said no matter how important it is LOL

    sweety1997 August 19, 2020 4:51 pm

    whenever his bae is there he becomes like some superhuman sponge...remembering ever detail....i would totally believe him if he could even count like the number of strands of hair that were standing up on that particular certain day she said this, or the other day she did that....bruh....he is so valiuable, i cannot compare him to any gem on earth...ah goddamit this preciousness