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K0066 August 19, 2020 7:11 pm

i'll make this short but basically, i love this. this being changhyun liking minoh but then accidentally falling for junoh because who wouldnt and it was just so fucking cute ghhhh the cheek kiss :(((( im wallowing in my own sorrows cuz their friendship was cute idk if its just me but seriously i know minoh was neglected and everyone hates junoh but i dont mind him (like not at all, i love him mwah) having connections with jaehee and changhyun cuz the more the merrier (to his semi-harem hahaha) and at the end when they gave the really bad flowers to junoh... together... SO CUTE WAHHHHHH (ngl i felt bad for jaehee's flowers when junoh called it ugly or something like that. i hope they still be kinda friends hehe...heh)
