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Why do people assume that romance is bad in, mostly shounen? Like in solo leveling, there ...

Nini August 19, 2020 7:50 pm

Why do people assume that romance is bad in, mostly shounen? Like in solo leveling, there are some who is really mad that there is a girl who could be a potential lover to mc and that they’ll drop this at once and that romance will make the story trash.
And I get that in a lot of stories they just add romance as a fan service but you can’t assume that every single manga will be the same, or am I missing something?

    z4tan August 19, 2020 7:56 pm

    most mangas start focusing too much in the romance side story when people only read shounen for action, there’s some shounen’s that can do it right however most can’t and it leads to the mangas going to shit.

    Nini August 19, 2020 8:00 pm
    most mangas start focusing too much in the romance side story when people only read shounen for action, there’s some shounen’s that can do it right however most can’t and it leads to the mangas going to s... z4tan

    Yeah that’s true, now when I read what I commented again I realized I’ve actually dropped one webtoon because of that reason haha ops

    BigBruh August 19, 2020 8:00 pm
    most mangas start focusing too much in the romance side story when people only read shounen for action, there’s some shounen’s that can do it right however most can’t and it leads to the mangas going to s... z4tan

    Also the female cast in shounen is kinda sub-par and the romance, even when it’s focused on, just doesn’t work really well. So not only does the story get boring bc of the focus on romance the romance itself is dull

    niki August 19, 2020 8:01 pm

    i just like to read action so when romance is adding idk it becomes shit smh

    niki August 19, 2020 8:01 pm

    i just like to read action so when romance is added
    idk it becomes shit smh