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Eh I wanted things to go differently but it went the way it went [: wish Seo-hun never sai...

~Borahae~ August 20, 2020 2:24 am

Eh I wanted things to go differently but it went the way it went [: wish Seo-hun never said a month and he just said 2 weeks or 1 weeks and during those weeks he's very nice to Geon-woo that it makes Geon-woo realize he also has feelings for Seo-hun. But then he says in his head "I don't like him, I want things to go back to normal" so he says he didn't fall for Seo-hun. So when Seo-hun acts "Normal" again and they're just friends Geo-woo realized he wants the Seo-hun who loved him.

    Clara Issei August 20, 2020 4:11 am

    Yea yeah yeah, and then geo-woo would saw seo-hun with someone else just hanging out, and then geo-woo would be jealous and realize that he like seo-hun in romantic way, and then he will actually tell seo-hun that he feels weird when he saw him with someone else!! And bam! The heartfelt drama started with too much sweetness

    asdatauagabj August 21, 2020 6:11 am

    Even with 1 month i think the plot will be the same as you said Also it make more sense falling for someone in 1 month than in 1 or 2 weeks imo ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶