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It doesn't make sense that the only reason junseo and jaewon should end up together becaus...

Anika August 21, 2020 6:09 pm

It doesn't make sense that the only reason junseo and jaewon should end up together because his backstory was shown and they looked cute together. The fact that who jaewon liked from the beginning is completely ignored. It was a refreshing approach. It's always predictable who ends up with whom but author did something diff perhaps a little realistic ? Jaewon never reciprocated junseo's feelings neither he did have any doubts. It was okay they ended up together. It was abitter sweet ending. But nobody considers the mc
I guess this is one of the reason why ñothing special happens in this genre. It's too risky for authors to make different concepts and story lines or realistic approach because it doesn't satisfy the audience. It's all the same things and every other manwa is just ticking checkboxes. I don't know why a good character like junseo even need to end up with someone who doesn't feel the same way about him. That'd be very forced n predictable. Ppl say Karam refused jaewon so why be with him. The same for junseo too right ?
I don't think the author will return to this. Old readers were kind of positive with the ending of mixed but new readers are more negative.
They were good friends and just because it backstory doesn't mean they've got to end up without romantic chemistry. I think it was to affirm junseos character and make him relatable as a good friend to jaewon
