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I am going to spoil for those hoping for decent ending. There isn't one. I worry for the...

Anonymous August 21, 2020 11:34 pm

I am going to spoil for those hoping for decent ending.
There isn't one.
I worry for the mindset of the author how she thought an ending like the one she/he did would be a "happy one". Nobody gets retribution for what happened to the FL.
And the ML (bodyguard) is just as bad as the scum pimp.
(Spoilers below).

After alot of daily rape from being sex slave...
She gets engaged to the bad guy Keisuke who does this out of spite to the bodyguard guy who is his half-brother and he blames for his mother's death.
She and the bodyguard guy run away and for a short time they are happy.
She gets into an accident when she thinks she sees her lowlife father in the street and gets hit by a car. The bodyguard guy is more hurt since he pushed her out of the way and got the brunt of the damage.

The scumbag Keisuke comes to the hospital and realises she has amnesia ( she doesn't remember her trauma or the fact she was a sex slave and the gang bang parties) .
Its sad she thinks she is still an innocent girl and Keisuke tells them they are engaged.
She believes him and they live together as a "couple" and she is affectionate towards him since she thinks they are engaged and were a happy couple.

It is also revealed how she ended up being a sex slave and why her father left in a flashback.
Keisuke showed interest in the FL but for the wrong reasons.
The father and the FL assume his interest in her is that of "marriage" and her father signs her away for support from Keisuke in exchange for helping his company.
Keisuke tells the father he has no intention of "marrying" the FL he wants her for the purpose of being a prostitute for his clients and thinks her "high-class" background makes her more valuable.
The father aware of this rather than save his daughter runs away like a coward knowing the fate he has signed for his daughter.

--back to the present--

Eventually the FL begins to flashbacks from the trauma she endured as a sex slave but doesn't know that those were real events.
Keisuke begins to "fall in love" with the FL (*pukes*)
The father of the bodyguard and scumbag is fully aware of what a lowlife his son is but due to his guilt of not loving him as much as he does the bodyguard and cheating on his wife.
He lets Keisuke behave the way he does.

All the men in this novel are trash.

Eventually bodyguard who is in a coma awakens and finds the FL in a church since Keisuke is trying to trick her into marrying him to "trap" her.
When she sees bodyguard all her memories return and she has a breakdown and for the first time the scumbag Keisuke begins to feel the pangs of guilt for what he did to her.

The coward father returns and asks for the forgiveness of the FL and admits he was too cowardly to even kill himself. Naturally, since the FL is a doormat she forgives her father.

They meet all meet with Keisuke who tries to blackmail her again into being his wife in exchange of helping her father's company.
This time she refuses and her father is willing to accept ruin and the shame of the hatred of his employees but cannot forgive what Keisuke did to the FL (lol the father indirectly did it by signing her off to him and bailing once he found out his true intentions).

The bodyguard reveals he has a trump card that he had kept the security footage of the FL being repeatedly raped and release it to the media and police if Keisuke doesn't back off his pursuit of FL.

Keisuke walks off in a pissed off mood and bodyguard being the pathetic twerp he is begs for his "brother" accept his relationship with the FL and for his "approval" in desperation (like wtf?)

Now in that moment, justice is almost served against Keisuke when a hitman hired by the disgraced politician/businessman who tried to kidnap the FL to be his mistress tries to shoot Keisuke (yes!!!). However, the beta idiot bodyguard takes the bullet to save him (looool no lie).

Keisuke finally "accepts/approves" their relationship after his "brother" almost dies to try and save him. And he sees the FL go into hysteria to the she has to be tranquilized.

The bodyguard and the FL marry.
And among the guests is the father who sold her off to be a prostitute and the father-in-law who didn't lift a finger to discipline his son from turning his business into a high class brothel.
Awwwww how sweet. (*pukes*)

Keisuke is not punished for what he did nor is anyone who was involved in the sex slavery.
He is still in charge of running the business that profited from repeated rape and gang rape of a 19 year old girl by countless high profile types. She was serving atleast one "client" a day for several months. It's horrific.

Yet rather than jail or retribution we see the FL and her wimp bodyguard marry and have a happy honeymoon in Thailand.

Wtf? her body has been emotionally and physically scarred she will be having nightmares and is showing signs of PTSD and the author thinks giving her a "happy" ending is with a wedding a honey?
No jail, no compensation, no justice.

I wished she had ended up with no one and told her father and the "men" in her to get lost.
Release the tapes of her abuse to press and police and move abroad somewhere far away.

    naso August 22, 2020 6:45 pm

    What the fuck how can people read this shit

    H1th3r3 August 22, 2020 8:33 pm

    giving her a *honeymoon

    H1th3r3 August 22, 2020 8:34 pm
    What the fuck how can people read this shit naso

    Its the ending that pisses me of the most.
    Nobody gets punished or retribution. Not even the "guests".

    naso August 22, 2020 9:23 pm
    Its the ending that pisses me of the most.Nobody gets punished or retribution. Not even the "guests". H1th3r3

    Ok forget about people reading jt
    What the hell are they publishing this shit for?

    H1th3r3 August 23, 2020 12:16 pm
    Ok forget about people reading jtWhat the hell are they publishing this shit for? naso

    Got no idea.

    rabib September 8, 2020 4:39 am

    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ thanks i m not gonna waste my time with this, my soul is save

    Kloveschocolate October 24, 2020 9:37 pm

    Where did you read the ending??

    H1th3r3 October 24, 2020 9:42 pm
    Where did you read the ending?? Kloveschocolate


    Shenelle December 10, 2020 3:23 pm

    This trash. and this story deserves to be in the trash can

    Hua LanXia January 15, 2024 6:45 pm
