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Choco August 21, 2020 11:44 pm

I watched the anime in 2017 and stumbled upon the manga a few months back. I binge read it and it became one of my favorites and I was devastated when I couldn’t find any more chapters till I found the story again. Even though I’ve waited a few years for this story, the ending had me a little unsatisfied, nether-less this is one of my favorites. Even the ending is quite cute when Kyohei tells Sunako he accepts her and she tells him how he sparkles in her eyes. I’ll take that as a confession, even if they don’t realize their own feelings (⌒▽⌒)

    DeadLotus January 21, 2021 3:01 am

    Hello I wanted to ask if there major differences or if any between the anime and manga so I could pick it up after the anime. Please and ty

    Choco January 24, 2021 7:41 pm
    Hello I wanted to ask if there major differences or if any between the anime and manga so I could pick it up after the anime. Please and ty DeadLotus

    No, there aren’t many differences, a lot of the things are kept the same. There are some scenes left out of the anime and the anime ends without any confirmation of the two’s relationship but other than that I think it’s the same? I’m sorry but I haven’t seen the anime for a few years so some things I say may be off.

    DeadLotus January 25, 2021 8:05 am
    No, there aren’t many differences, a lot of the things are kept the same. There are some scenes left out of the anime and the anime ends without any confirmation of the two’s relationship but other than tha... Choco

    No thats ok its enough thank you