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I don't hate Rael, she seems like a sweet girl, but here's the thing, I don't feel bad for...

Leej10100 August 22, 2020 1:55 pm

I don't hate Rael, she seems like a sweet girl, but here's the thing, I don't feel bad for her. Of course this only applies to the fact that Yunifer doesn't want to be friends. This does not apply to anything else. I fully support her and will fight to protect her from the red mutt called a prince that is constantly mentally abusing her, the poor girl. But when it comes to Yunifer, I see no reason why Yunifer should be stuck with the responsibility of being Rael's friend and yes it would be a responsibility because of the number of problems Rael would bring because of her OFL(Original female lead) status. Also I'm a huge believer that if someone wants to be friends but you don't want to, that's okay. It isn't like Yunifer's bullying her or anything, she just doesn't want to be around Rael. And Rael knows this, she has known this since long ago. So she should have expected Yunifer's reactions and distance, especially when Yunifer has clearly, since day one, been visibly avoiding Rael. Therefore I say all this useless stuff to say Rael is a sweet girl, but I don't feel bad that Yunifer isn't accepting her. Relationships are a two way street, just because you like them doesn't mean they have to like you back. That's common sense. But also Yunifer needs to make things clear and say out loud she doesn't want to be near Rael. Yunifer's lack of voicing her thoughts and having a decent conversation telling Rael that, "hey your nice but I don't want to be friends" is gonna hurt her soon.

    Issas August 22, 2020 6:24 pm

    While I agree with what you said, because no one is entlited to another's person's feelings no matter what, being the one who was on the receiving end of being ignored by the person I wanted to befriend I can't help but relate with her, even though I do think Rael is bit wee too obesessed there.

    The problem isn't that Yunifer doesn't want to be friends or anything, the problem is that Rael has absolutely no idea why Yunifer is specifically avoiding her like that when she's otherwise friendly to everyone else, and it makes a person wonder, "Am I doing something wrong? Is it me who is problem? What did I do wrong?" and it's a horrible feeling, not knowing why the other person is avoiding you when there's doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the way you interact with them and it makes you feel hurt.

    Leej10100 August 23, 2020 12:52 am
    While I agree with what you said, because no one is entlited to another's person's feelings no matter what, being the one who was on the receiving end of being ignored by the person I wanted to befriend I can't... Issas

    I definitely see your point of view, and completely agree that Yunifer needs to speak to Rael instead of blatantly avoiding her. Because it isn't fair to Rael who doesn't even know what Y

    Leej10100 August 23, 2020 12:56 am
    I definitely see your point of view, and completely agree that Yunifer needs to speak to Rael instead of blatantly avoiding her. Because it isn't fair to Rael who doesn't even know what Y Leej10100

    *what Yunifer dislikes about her.

    Sorry for that cut off my phone had a mind of it's own and posted before I could finish.