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Please mov this to the other stories from this author.

Anonymous January 1, 2015 1:58 am

Please mov this to the other stories from this author.

    Anonymous January 1, 2015 2:18 am


    Not to be rude, but we can't. If there are identifiable problems with the upload, you have to flag them in order to let the webmaster know. Then, you have to spell out what those problems are on the form which the site provides. Fortunately, there's a little flag on the lefthand side of the webpage which allows you to do just that.

    Anonymous January 2, 2015 2:03 am
    No. Not to be rude, but we can't. If there are identifiable problems with the upload, you have to flag them in order to let the webmaster know. Then, you have to spell out what those problems are on the form wh... @Anonymous

    How do you flag this?