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I’m sorry but, um, excuse me?

Icamefortheyaoi August 23, 2020 5:50 am

First off, fuck that “bff” if you could even call him that?? He’s a scum, you snooze ya lose pal. Since you didn’t have the balls to make a move, you instead feed the rumors circulating around the mc so she’s seen in a bad light and put in terrible situations that you can appear as the hero in? Fuck you bud. And not to mention forcing yourself on her and meddling into a relationship that has nothing to do with you ‘cause you’re jealous, unacceptable, inexcusable and disgusting (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 But aside from the childhood scumbag being a lowlife manipulator, why the fuck is he still around??! Begone you rotten garbage! Damn this story worked on my last damn nerve.
