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It really didn't make sense to me... a moment ago he was playing with some women (ch4) and...

amimie August 24, 2020 3:39 pm

It really didn't make sense to me... a moment ago he was playing with some women (ch4) and then suddenly back to Aoi with full force... (it looked like it was only for the sake of Drama, it seemed a bit off...)

Also, the reason he didn't go back straight to Aoi (even though he could have died before seeing him again) was because he felt he was a failure of a man... but he was already like that even before the war... maybe even worse... and so he decided to find a new person to love...? :'))
That way of thinking seems so... illogic... no one would think like that...
If you really love a person, won't you want to go straight to see them after a long absence? Then you'll have all the time you want to go find the wife of your dead friend...

The only way it would have made sense to me is that the friend would have sacrificed himself to save Aki, and thus, his wife would die of poverty. But that wasn't the case so...

Even so, I really appreciated this manga. Historical manga are my weakness too. It's just that I would have appreciated it more if the story made more sense according to me.. ^^'
But I already love it a lot... so don't hate me... :p

    Dorkopatamus October 24, 2020 4:49 pm

    I'm wondering if he played around with women to prevent himself from crossing a line with Aoi before he knew aoi wanted him too

    amimie October 24, 2020 9:14 pm
    I'm wondering if he played around with women to prevent himself from crossing a line with Aoi before he knew aoi wanted him too Dorkopatamus

    Lol, but he did it with Aoi right after he discovered he became aware of him. He didn't show any reserve then.... so why now... ^^'

    I mean, he's not the thoughtful type... right :p

    Confusion October 28, 2020 7:13 am

    Take was an idiot but I dont think his reason was bad in what he did. I would've probably done something similar if I were in his stead. I think take loved aoi enough to let him go. Take most likely wanted aoi to move on, you never know whether you come back alive from war or not.Giving false hope was probably hard for him but aoi obviously waited for him. And when he came back, he probably thought that aoi moved on since he didn't receive anymore letters which is assumed from the fact that even if aoi did write letters, they wouldn't reach take since he was already back.

    And as for him being a player. Idk. That was stupid. I can understand why he did that, he was weak at heart but nevertheless that's no justification for shitting on aoi dammit!! (︶︿︶)=凸