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Jenny August 24, 2020 4:54 pm

This is my take on this manga. Ignore this 23 year old and never had a relationship...

I get it you know, if you confess to someone who's in a relationship and you know it, you're selfish because even if it's not your intention to destroy their relationship it'll create ripples small or big because even if the guy/girl doesn't feel anything about you it'll make him/her think of you and staying as friends as if nothing happened that's not really good. But in this manga they both made the decision to stay friends it's not all on Ninako, Ren wants it too. And you cannot be sure if when they stay friends Ren would be catching feelings for Ninako, it just happened. And wasn't Andou doing worse, he knew Ninako likes Ren and she rejected him but he keeps on pushing his feelings because he is holding to Ren being in a relationship so Ninako has no chance even if he noticed that Ren has feelings for Ninako already. And aren't we all read that Ren was so slow in realizing his feelings for Ninako and when he did, he knew what he is feeling is wrong he kept his distance even w/o Andou's provocation he kept his promise to Mayuka that he'll stay with her and tried to erase it. But Mayuka was the one who let go because she knew there's no point in staying in the relationship when they both found something more important than each other, for Mayuka it's her job and for Ren it's Ninako. And you know I actually like that Ninako never went to Andou just because he is offering and Ren's not available because she considers Andou's past even if at some point she question whether if it's really a bad thing.

It is one of the best manga I read...
