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Boxerhijau August 24, 2020 5:44 pm

It is okay to compared manga with real life thing??? I mean im someone who always think "this is just manga, everything can be happen even some mc can have unlimited harem" . So i dont mind with the genre i read as long as i like the story. But i dont think ppl like that...
I mean ppl saying that thing is nasty or impossible that thing to be happen in some manga i just think ..
"but it cant be helped since this is just manga. I always think like that "
....i am wrong or what???

    Boxerhijau August 24, 2020 5:40 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Yuuki Mio

    Lol right

    Okarisu August 24, 2020 5:41 pm

    It depends on what you’re comparing, imo.

    Cloverfr August 24, 2020 5:43 pm

    imo it depends on world-building, if you created a very realistic setting, well, it can be compared, if you created a very fantastic unrealistic one, it cannot.

    I'm not 100% understanding you question tbh.

    Mimi August 24, 2020 5:45 pm

    I mean I just read cos I enjoy the manga, no matter how impossible it is lol I don’t see why it has to be compared to real life, but if there are any moments I do compare it’s probably where I’m envious of a character or something

    Boxerhijau August 24, 2020 5:54 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! GayKentuckyFriedChicken

    I think some ppl misleading with my word...i am not relared but some ppl always compared manga issue with a real life, but i always enjoying this manga that why i ask its ok or not

    Boxerhijau August 24, 2020 5:55 pm
    I mean I just read cos I enjoy the manga, no matter how impossible it is lol I don’t see why it has to be compared to real life, but if there are any moments I do compare it’s probably where I’m envious o... Mimi

    I think some ppl misleading with my word...i am not relared but some ppl always compared manga issue with a real life, but i always enjoying this manga that why i ask its ok or not

    Boxerhijau August 24, 2020 5:58 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! WON

    I didnt mean to compared it with real life im sorry for misleading my word i mean im enjoying reading manga even complicated manga whout related anything to real life. But some ppl always saying that its nasty and compared it with real life thing...that why i ask its ok or not:"D

    Mimi August 24, 2020 8:40 pm
    I think some ppl misleading with my word...i am not relared but some ppl always compared manga issue with a real life, but i always enjoying this manga that why i ask its ok or not Boxerhijau

    Yeah I think that’s best tbh, just enjoy it that’s what I’m here for too!