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I honestly just started reading this because genre says 'smut'.

Tara Dikov August 25, 2020 4:46 pm

Smut stuff almost always are light reads but damn this is some really deep, heart-wrenching stuff. It really captures the immense difficulty of getting yourself out of the deep, dark pit of chronic depression... while on the other hand, also showing the bottomless amount of patience and understanding loved ones has to have in order to keep on helping day by day.

This really made me want to go to my parents' right now and give them a big hug of thanks. I have been lucky, so is Junwoo in this story. Having support most of the time might make you take it for granted. Some people out there have literally no one to turn to, or worse, people around them who should support them are making them a subject of ridicule instead. It might be cliché to say this but if you're someone who is suffering, I truly hope that things would get better for you someday.

Overall, this is a great read. I enjoyed the smut, teared up at the heavy story I did not expect, and laughed a little at the retina-obliterating laser beam nipples. Hanbit— best supporting character I have seen for a while. I now aspire to even have 1/8 of the patience he has.
