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Naïve Drifter January 8, 2015 4:27 am

A (long) while back I was on Google and found an image. It eventually led me to a site to read it but I forgot what it was called(and where I read it).
One setting i remember it was a cage arena it had blood and gore I believe on it.
What I remeber (a little), there was an arena and monsters*(or demons can't remember) were bet on to fight. I think one of the top guys (a trainer or whatever) was explaining to a priest (or something like that) about how this arena work between the monster* and the money involved. At one point he complains there's a problem and hopes the priest would be able to help. He says that his number one monster* doesn't want to fight. As he was saying that to the priest one of the doors open to let out the monster* that he was talking about. (what I remember)The monster looks human like and instead of attacking The monster in front of him, he saw the trainer guy talking to the priest and he broke out of the cage area and flew towards the trainer guy. Before the monster* was able to attack him, the trainer pulled out a remote(something) and push a button. The monster was wearing a collar and it tased him. As the monster laid on the ground I believe bodyguard tackled him, also the trainer* insulted the monster. And as that was all going on the Priest* was shaken.
Can't really remember much of what happened afterward but all that I can remember is that the trainer asked the priest to help him get the monster back into killing and fighting again. (Oh The monster* had black hair and he look human and another thing trainer* said something that he would need to retrain this lowly dog)
Very sorry for the information overload and grammar problems!!
But please help me find the manga.
Thank you to all who will help me

    Egni January 8, 2015 10:42 pm

    I want to know to