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kkkk August 26, 2020 4:55 pm

I thought that He Tian was going to apologize to little Mo for real this time, he needs to do it without all the touching. And I'm not saying this because of their sightly abusive dynamic (it's always been like that and, yes, it's problematic) but because I think little Mo has some problems with intimacy or internalized homophobia. I've been waiting fot that to be adressed but I know this is a light webtoon and hey! The protagonists are kids! They're certainly immature.

I don't know, I'm making a lot of assumptions and probably overthinking everything. But I guess that's why that couple became my favorite, it has more grow potential that the main one.

    fujotakako August 26, 2020 5:06 pm

    i agree!!!

    darkmanifest August 27, 2020 3:07 am

    I've been flipping through early chapters and the first couple got pretty intense with how they dealt with their changing feelings. I'd really like to see the same introspection with these two, actually talking to each other (and not just the kind of talking where He Tian relentlessly chips away at Mo's defenses while Mo knows nothing about him in return).

    kkkk August 28, 2020 7:52 pm
    I've been flipping through early chapters and the first couple got pretty intense with how they dealt with their changing feelings. I'd really like to see the same introspection with these two, actually talkin... darkmanifest

    Yeah, the main couple has acknowledged they have feelings that go beyond friendship already, even if it wasn't explicitly said (I don't think it was), and it reflects a little in how I feel them now, as if they're closer.

    And yes, I hope Mo and He Tian start talking to someone about their feelings, it will be difficult though, both their personalities make it so. Some day...some day XD.