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If this manga was made into an anime, I’d watch it over and over again. This is so pure...

BitchyKitty August 26, 2020 8:36 pm

If this manga was made into an anime, I’d watch it over and over again. This is so pure.

    hidamari_ August 27, 2020 2:14 am

    i hope that one day, they made this into a anime

    BitchyKitty August 27, 2020 6:01 pm
    i hope that one day, they made this into a anime hidamari_

    This and the ex yakuza house husband, good clean and wholesome. Somehow we always end up with a ton of harem and ecchi anime.

    hidamari_ August 27, 2020 7:55 pm
    This and the ex yakuza house husband, good clean and wholesome. Somehow we always end up with a ton of harem and ecchi anime. BitchyKitty

    oh yeah i just love that when the person have a bad face but have a soft heart, if this could be a anime i would watch everytime
    I'm sick of harem and ecchi (well i never watch, but the style is not mine), just make some good animes :c