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Ok guys I’m straight up dumb and I need help understanding this. Gio is the werewolf and...

Cyxx August 27, 2020 3:43 pm

Ok guys I’m straight up dumb and I need help understanding this.
Gio is the werewolf and Theo is the puppy... that’s all I know
Oh and that a dude died at the begging

    VLovesShojo August 28, 2020 4:45 am

    Okay okay and then there's like a government agency/ military where Rodd works, and then there's like a mafia gang thing where this guy who looks like Rodd but isn't Rodd is. Yep I find it confusing too

    YannaPsycho September 1, 2020 11:50 am

    Okay let me explain. Remember when Rodd was first introduced he was talking with a physician guy(Rodd's friend), and physician guy said that he needs to travel to a town but the only way is to the forest. Then the physician guy has gone missing for quite a long time, longer than what he told Rodd he'd be gone for. So Rodd traveled to the forest hoping to find his friend.

    At the forest Gio and Theo are loving in a hidden cave. One day Gio was looking for Theo and discovered that Theo was being attacked by a human so, Gio retaliated. Days passed and Rodd arrived at the forest were he met Gio and Theo. At first they were hostile towards each other but when Rodd noticed that Theo was injured he felt sorry and apologized, after that warmed up with each other. Gio then transformed into a human and asked for Rodd's help about Theo's condition. Rodd helped them out a little bit and asked Gio of he saw a man traveling on the forest a few days back. Gio then realized that Rodd was searching for the man who attacked Theo days ago whom he killed, but because he likes Rodd and doesn't want him(Rodd) to hate him(Gio) he lied and said that "that man might have been dead already cuz physician dude 'jumped' off the cliff". After Rodd discovered that physician guy is already dead he went back to town but before that he gave Gio money so he can buy Theo the medicine he needs.

    Time pass and Gio decided to travel to town to buy Theo's medicine. But on the way he got robbed and the physician dude( not the same physician guy who is a friend of Rodd cuz he dead) told Gio that he knows the treatment but he can't give it to him cuz he has no money. So Gio was walking down the street thinking how he can earn money when sketchy guy offered him some. Sketchy guy was about to lay a hand on Gio but Gio hit him and fainted, then BB helped him resolve the problem. After that he met another sketchy dude (a.k.a Mafia guy) and offered him a job of becoming his guard at a business meeting(drug transaction ) and Gio agreed. Before they depart Gio discovered that Rodd and Mafia guy are actually nemesis and he hid cuz he doesn't want Rodd to know that he's in town. In the transaction Mafia guy wanted to know if the drug is really effective so the drug dealers chose Gio as a test subject for the drug. What they didn't know that Gio was a beast man and the drug can cause pain and effect on beast man to transform or lose control. Gio went on rampage, drug dealers escape and coincidentally bumped into Rodd and told him a beast is on rampage. When Rodd arrived he called out to Gio who's biting on a man's arm and told Gio to come to him at the same time Mafia guy also called out to Gio and also told him to come to him, and Gio chose Mafia guy over Rodd.

    Personal Opinion and Theory:

    I think Gio chose Mafia guy over Rodd because he doesn't want Rodd to see him as a monster who kills people. After all that's the reason why he lied to Rodd about the death of physician guy.

    YannaPsycho September 1, 2020 11:52 am
    Okay okay and then there's like a government agency/ military where Rodd works, and then there's like a mafia gang thing where this guy who looks like Rodd but isn't Rodd is. Yep I find it confusing too VLovesShojo

    Explanation above

    Cyxx September 1, 2020 1:19 pm
    Explanation above YannaPsycho

    It all makes sense now TT