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ImRottenToTheCore August 27, 2020 5:00 pm

The story was really good and unique. Different from all stories I've read so far, but.... I don't know. I kinda feel a little empty towards the end. I wish I get to see more of Isami and is lover(Chihiro) too.

Is this what you call secondary couple syndrome? Because that is what I'm feeling right now. Although I love Ichi and Haru, I was more interested and swooned by Isami and Chihiro, even though both of them together appeared in only ONE panel.. Aaahh damn it!

I really love the story, but you knoooww.... Isami and Chihiro T-T

PS. Isami and Chihiro kinda reminds me of Rin and Nitori from Free!, which I also ship XD XD
