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THIS WEBTOON IS STRESSING ME TF OUT (spoilers in my post btw)

niwa August 27, 2020 8:59 pm

bro i just want noah to be free and happy but this damn bitch habin )): she’s the most sadistic, cruel webtoon character i’ve ever read about. also we’re almost 100 chapters into this thing and there’s literally almost no development for the main plot essentially? however i’m really curious to see how the author develops this whole twin thing because i’m so fucking confused, i would really hope habin doesn’t have enough time on her hands to literally kidnap guys and make clones of noah just to fuck with him.. she needs a life. also i noticed that they completely dropped the whole soju being transgender thing lmaoaoa it was actually an interesting plot point, what was the point of even adding it.. finally, i don’t see why people hate nayeon? she does make dumbass decisions at times, but i like how she isn’t one of those characters that is just extremely weak and whiny, she’s kinda just.. there. but she’s cute and funny at times. although there’s things about this webtoon that annoy me, i still like it a lot. i hope it ends after season 4 though, i think we’re kinda at the climax point to where it could be wrapped up nicely if the author doesn’t stretch it too far.
