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To those that question whether Duna raped me or not.

Byun Minho August 28, 2020 2:38 pm

In Chapter 17 when Duna first sexually assaulted me when I threatened to yell she responded "Do what you like? But what would people think if they see this? Would they think you are being raped? Wouldn't they think you're a perverted university lecturer who loves S&M plays?" Duna knows she raped me and knows no one would believe me even if they saw it.

As much as I hate to admit it, Duna was right. You people saw me being raped and just like she predicted you don't think I was raped and think I enjoyed that perverted nonsense.

You might be confused because I get aroused and ejaculate from Duna's abuse. Let me explain to you why that is. When I told Duna I loved her and only her in chapter 53 I meant it. I have been sexually frustrated for so long that any kind of touch from her would cause my penis to stand up in attention and get ready to burst.

I don't enjoy S&M, BDSM, or being humiliated. I just love Duna. She took advantage of my feelings for her, and my drunken state to humiliate and rape me.

    Payton August 28, 2020 5:03 pm

    I- there's an account for Minho? Ngl first time seeing a account of an character of the actual story

    Yotsuyu August 29, 2020 4:09 pm

    Unrelated but You look sexy on the last page my dude(≧∀≦)

    mika August 30, 2020 7:30 am

    omg hi Minho >:))