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Chaos August 28, 2020 7:14 pm

I keep saying how people say "Yuki needs to reject Shizuka" SHE DID! SHE SAID PLEASE LET GO!
Reason she isn't being as vocal is because she is freaking out. I know she is more vocal and clear to Naruse bug she knows he will take her no and respects how she feels.
with Shizuka he isn't taking her no and ignoring her feelings! Anyone in a situation like that would panic and freeze! She has outright rejected Shizuka's confession and told him she loves Naruse ! So if you wanna be mad at anyone be mad at Shizuka for being a creep and not taking no for an answer!

    A K I R A August 28, 2020 9:41 pm

    can't agree more <3

    kumbanj August 29, 2020 3:24 pm

    While I agree all of this is mostly on Shizuka, there is a reason people are angry at her. And that is that she still comes in situations like that, that she still wants to "cheer him on".
    The guy is creepy and she has no feeling whatsoever for him. So why is it such a big deal to actually create some distance? Coach wants her to bring him some stuff home? Well, there is another manager in the club, let her do it. Meets him in the streets? Walk the other way. He approaches her in club? The second it isn't about basketball anymore, end the conversation.
    And when your boyfriend comes "in the way" or tries to make your point clear to that blockhead...don't be angry at your boyfriend! Support him while he delivers what you clearly can't.