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I'm glad Mr. Ahn fessed up before they officially started dating and before his ex found o...

PageSOTY August 29, 2020 11:42 pm

I'm glad Mr. Ahn fessed up before they officially started dating and before his ex found out about it somehow before Hojun did, that would have created another layer of mess for them in the future lmao
They're still not in the clear tho, Hojun hasnt asked him anything about his ex, not even about those 2 instances where he witnessed Mr. Ahn and the ex in...well, situations that are easy to misunderstand (and misunderstand he did indeed), so those thoughts might start plaguing Honjun again soon, given that the ex is def about to cause some trouble for the couple and try to meddle in

    Sei August 30, 2020 12:56 am

    Shit....meant to upvote (finally get the feeling of those who commented this way XDDD sorry)