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I am just glad it has a hopeful ending. In earlier chapters things were so dark and I was ...

MoveOut August 31, 2020 11:15 pm

I am just glad it has a hopeful ending. In earlier chapters things were so dark and I was hating the MC. But gradually it showed how she ended up in that state and it's to blame her childhood, a fucked up mother and nasty surrounding. She deserves to be happy after what she had gone through.
I feel sorry for the teacher. But sometimes that's how life is, it turns out to be bad when you are just not!
The other guys, eunho and the professor, they were also fucked up with whatever life they were living. Da-ee just worked as a catalyst to bring out their horrible side. Both da-ee and they were in such helpless situation that they wanted to use each other to grip onto some temporary happiness.
And the last story, was that guy eunho's boss?? Okay he was a douche in the first place. I really hated him how he behaved with his co worker at office. Well he deserved that :3 But at least he ended up happily, his wife was punishing around junior at work and he was fuckin around bar girls. They compliment each other.

The execution of this story is really classy and done smoothly. I lost it when I saw the author mentioning not to read it from site . I mean sorry authornim :(
