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this was such a good chapter!!! NORA AND SHULI WERE ADORABLE :(( he looks brighter and smi...

ain September 1, 2020 11:06 am

this was such a good chapter!!! NORA AND SHULI WERE ADORABLE :(( he looks brighter and smiles more with her thats cute, please he just wants to grow up quickly to be of help to her :( and shuli being ready to leave her family AGAIN, finding proofs to get her kicked hurts she really is a mother.

ALSO im starting to like the queen, from her pov, it does look like history is repeating again.. but shes willing to support the neuschwanstein if shuli can pass this hurdle, thats valid since at the moment, she has no reason to back them up, infact, its more expected for her to be against them. idk i really like the layers, i like that she isnt blinded by jealousy.
