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Ok so I like yaoi but this for me was.... disturbing. I heard the manga of this was confus...

Need someone to give a coment January 28, 2015 7:01 pm

Ok so I like yaoi but this for me was.... disturbing. I heard the manga of this was confusing so I was going to watch the anime ( is this recommended?). DJ is fanmade correct? But I have to admit that this kinda put me off... ( though if its fanmade then I still will give it a shot). Im new to DJ manga.

What are thoughts? ( not trying to start anything I am just wondering). Which is easier to understand Manga or the Anime and which is recommended? or is both?

(I would have liked this better if the people who did the rape werent ppl he knew and later had the snot beaten out of them...)

Thanks to whoever reads this and responds

    otokke February 6, 2015 5:43 am

    Well, I really like this DJ I don't know...if you haven't watched the anime, do it, it's really fun and they explain a lot there too. About the manga, of course is more detailed for me, confusing in some cases but the whole thing is lol. I started reading it after the anime, because I wanted to read about the caracters missing... anyways I recommend it.

    Ara Ara June 6, 2015 4:36 am

    I can't decide whether the author of this loathes America as a country, or America's reputation. Whatever the heck that was, it was really far over the line. It's one thing for America to be gang-raped by a bunch of nameless mobs, it's another thing entirely for the entire rest of the Hetalia world (his peers, the ones just as adrift as he is, the ones as helpless to their populations' whims) to treat him with such anger and disrespect. This particular DJ made absolutely no sense to me. These men are old, and should be above something this ... base. This DJ practically invites America to isolate himself from the world, and strongly entertain ideas of taking revenge. He did nothing to deserve that treatment.

    It made me a bit queasy. If he were an asshole character it wouldn't have been so hard. Instead, I see him as a class clown character, and that just hurt.

    Finnismathmatical January 14, 2016 12:31 pm
    I can't decide whether the author of this loathes America as a country, or America's reputation. Whatever the heck that was, it was really far over the line. It's one thing for America to be gang-raped by a bun... @Ara Ara

    To be honest though, what they said about America isn't "entirely" false in reality, he (as in as a real country) did interfere with a lot of things; whether that itself made the situation worse or not I'm not sure but America effecting other countries negatively is kind of true - to an extent. (Pls take my comment with a grain of salt tho as I can't really speak for the political situation between America and the other countries at the moment.)

    I don't really think the author hated America - though I understand the impression , I think it just had to be someone you know? And it just so happens America already has a semi-bad reputation internationally. (Also grain of salt.)

    Though the DJ itself was pretty brutal, my advice is to just "enjoy" it as it is, I think the story was suppose to be brutal and the deal with America bringing down the economy and all that abuse towards him was just the plot problem they needed for a DJ of this type, not to be taken too seriously; otherwise it's only this extreme because of the genre of yaoi it is.