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IL was a piece of shit.

minx2253 September 5, 2020 7:54 pm

IL was a king incompetent, superstitious and sneaky.The worst things you can be as a king. "Let's leave it to the gods while everything goes to hell". A king like that deserves to be dead.TBH I don't understand people hating on sowoon being all "holier than thou" like they would never have avenged their loved one being brutally murdered even if he was played lmao.So woon is an extremely realistic character for the setting."So woon is a psychopath" Imagine the pressure and burden on a child for them to have to examine their fathers corpse.Of course he is already planning and plotting.

and p.s Yona isn't hell bent on revenge because it is a shoujo manga and she is heroine. Of course she is kind and forgiving :P
