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I say her plan will fail. I think she would have an easier time if she just told him that ...

articwolf February 3, 2015 5:19 am

I say her plan will fail. I think she would have an easier time if she just told him that she's a vampire that needs to touch human beings.

    petiteFly February 3, 2015 10:39 pm

    " I'm a vampire and you are my chicken, can I eat you? I'm going to do so anyway" haha I don't think he would appreciate it... to just be a chicken to her xD
    poor chickeeeeen :'(((

    Ps: with chicken the plan was a failure from the beginning, sex appeal.. what's this?! AHAHAHAHAH

    Morcheeba February 3, 2015 11:02 pm
    " I'm a vampire and you are my chicken, can I eat you? I'm going to do so anyway" haha I don't think he would appreciate it... to just be a chicken to her xDpoor chickeeeeen :'(((Ps: with chicken the plan was a... petiteFly

    After all it's an "Eat or be eaten"-world *snicker*

    articwolf February 4, 2015 3:48 am

    its bad enough she doesn't understand her feelings for the dude when all she sees him as is food.

    petiteFly February 9, 2015 7:04 pm

    Wow what a hurt face he made.... well, maybe now it would be easier if she told him the truth...but maybe she is going to finally wake up xD

    articwolf February 9, 2015 10:51 pm

    She should of known that wouldn't have worked with his issue.

    moo February 9, 2015 11:01 pm
    She should of known that wouldn't have worked with his issue. articwolf

    though it's already been established since the beginning that she's an idiot. = =''

    articwolf February 9, 2015 11:11 pm


    petiteFly February 10, 2015 12:21 am

    Well, we have to understand that she is hungry xD
    Then yeah, they are a couple and in a couple you're touchy [is it the word?], so it's true that, for now, she want just to eat him, but he was wrong too. You can't say "I want to stay with, but we are not going to touch each other" and don't take in consideration the other person... right? (anche se è malato)

    articwolf February 10, 2015 1:29 am

    although true, but i don't know much couples that have sex right after getting together. and although he should be considerate of her feelings as well, the problem is, he doesn't like touching others (more to say he doesn't like dirt/germs). she needs to take in that its going to take time to let him get use to her and get comfortable around others. its great and all that she got his mom and him together and talking, but that's not going to solve the mental problem that made him who he is now. the other problem is she listened to her "fiance" when not every guy is like that ( go for a cute half dressed). she shouldn't have listened to that playboy's advice.