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AkiYumie September 6, 2020 5:00 pm

I finished the anime this evening and its not midnight and i just finished the latest chapter.... a lot to say but.... wow just wow.... i mean i had an inkling of what happened cause i was spoiled that there was gonna be a corruption arc for phos and how the villain is achmea (i dont mind spoiler, i love them actually lol) anyways getting to my point, i reallllllly dont know whos in the right or wrong rn like........ the adamant side just wants to live peacefully with their ex master but aechmea side just wants to disappear because they know living in eternity is pain as hell.. but tbh maybe in crazy for saying this but i think Phos is in the right lmao but then again their friends wouldnt have died if the lunarians didnt attack hmmmm THEN IT ALL GOES BACK TO ADAMANT for not being able to fulfill his work so yeah for me hes the villain making everyone suffer xDDDD but then again, theres also a lot to uncover about adamant hmmmmmmmm

If youve read this long ass rant, i thank you lmao for actually reading this opinion of mine, do drop some of your opinion regarding the whole story lol xD would love to read them

    Ruri September 7, 2020 7:52 am

    If I recall, the author majored in religious studies, and a lot of HnK has Buddhist undertones; and one famous teaching is that life is suffering, and mortal attachments is suffering. Achieving nirvana will bring peace. The gems are suffering from mortal attachments, meanwhile the Lunarians are suffering from being unable to achieve nirvana... It's an interesting juxtaposition of what is essentially the same thing. I just kind of wish the manga had more footnotes as I'm not super well verse in religious studies but would love to know the thought process behind it all.

    AkiYumie September 7, 2020 1:32 pm
    If I recall, the author majored in religious studies, and a lot of HnK has Buddhist undertones; and one famous teaching is that life is suffering, and mortal attachments is suffering. Achieving nirvana will bri... Ruri

    Woahh thats really cool, i kinda got the buddhism vibes as well from the anime and the lunarians, didn’t think it was actually incorporated (⊙⊙ )

    Leyana September 18, 2020 8:19 am

    Yea i feel really weirded out I really loved the anime but with manga ehh with the all spoilers I actually knew that none of them were going to be back but only if phos wouldn't have been an idiot to lose his parts and then his sanity ugh he's the worst protagonist ever I actually think it would have been better if phos never went on moon everyone who went to moon lost their sanity and I just want to it to be the way it was (I love spoilers to ya know)

    Leyana September 18, 2020 8:21 am
    Woahh thats really cool, i kinda got the buddhism vibes as well from the anime and the lunarians, didn’t think it was actually incorporated (⊙⊙ ) AkiYumie

    Ah yes I'm half buddhist as being an Asian so I was quite aware in that