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Writing and drawing this manga must be exasperating,immersely hard work. I'm only on chapt...

S February 3, 2015 4:40 pm

Writing and drawing this manga must be exasperating,immersely hard work. I'm only on chapter21 and I'm physiologically tuned. The situations occurred and handling it really open up my eyes. I appreciate what's being taught,I mean what I can learn,from this story do far,it's giving me an in-depth look at how to overcome the problems. I had my own views but whenever I thought it would be like what's on my mind,it didn't happen I'm here there's always another way to solve a problem. It's like helping to gain more confidence in our lives and more running away from failures.
Will continue on now..truly a great read for me.

    S February 3, 2015 4:42 pm

    Gosh,my typing's not running away from failures