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I don’t know why... :(

aikochii September 7, 2020 11:25 am

I don’t really like the boss, I understand no one is perfect but he is just pretty impulsive that it causes harm to the precious little bean. He isn’t doing well at all showing he cares. I would think he knows what to do best in these situations as someone who is well-liked, I would’ve thought he had better socializing skills. Though maybe his impulsiveness causes the misunderstandings and such.

Reasons why I dislike him (SPOILERS of what has happened (1-current chapter) SO IF YOU HAVENT READ AVAILABLE CHAPTERS DONT READ


I hated when he punched the sweet and innocent mc, he did so without evaluating the situation and he just hit them. Though I get it was because he thought mc was hurting the kitty.

I also hated how he suddenly shoved mc away or gets scared of him. I kind of find that confusing if you like someone but are scared of how their appearance? I under the mc face may appear scary but I don’t think so. I hate it that instead of making mc happy he’s hurting him.

I also didn’t like how he didn’t listen to mc’s reasons on wearing his mask and wig. It caused him even more pain because of his trouble socializing due to his appearance and his experiences with people and how he feels scared to be himself because of the criticism he received his whole life. I can see why the boss wanted to help and improve mc socializing and be around him. Though I think the method he did wasn’t very good. Things take time and not everyone is accepting at first, which is why the customers left. Before what should’ve been done is slowly introduce and show him how to work customer service. Let me tell you as someone who is shy and has to work for customer service it’s one of the worst feelings if you aren’t mentally prepared and things take time to get used to. I just think it was handled badly. In which this situation made the mc more sad because people were leaving because of him. In which I think he feels more prone to blaming himself for the way things happen. I felt they should’ve shown how well he is with animals so that the owners would’ve seen how gentle and adorable he is. Though I know the animals liked him when he was servicing them and it still caused misunderstanding, I think it would’ve been better if mc was introduced beforehand and informing customers he’s shy and misunderstood and to please give him a shot.

Lastly I didn’t like how the boss treated mc in his house, I’m not sure how it is in South Korea on house rules for guests, but the way he offered “hospitality” to the mc is downright rude, not sure if it’s how it’s translated but the way it’s said is so rude. Like I get you want your privacy and you don’t like meddling people (I totally get and understand) it’s the way it’s told seems super rude, especially since the boss likes the mc. Wouldn’t you want to be the best person in front of someone you like? Showing the best qualities of yourself in order to gain their favor and later their love? Especially since the boss is so well in socializing and being kind, seriously he treats the customers better and kinder than he has to the mc (not counting the duck head that was mean to the cat) I just think that he seriously needs some time to think before acting.

Though on the other hand, maybe he can’t act the way he wants to because he feels shy and doesn’t know how to act in front of mc? I’ve remember reading countless characters being good at what they do but fumble when it comes to the person they like, there’s countless tsunderes Who act the way the act. Maybe I love the mc too much, how adorable he is that I want him to be showered with love and affection. Which in turn is why I criticize too much on boss.

This is my opinion so don’t take it to heart, I really adore this Webtoon and will continue to wait for their love to blossom
