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THe fudge!!!! fuDge!!!!

Twyla February 7, 2015 6:32 am

(/TДT)/ what in the world just happend!!!!!! ughRRRgggg i hate it i hate it!!!!!!! the fudge i read a sad story...!!!!! the fudge aahhh! rrgggg!!!! i want to kill a persooooon!!!!! oh god uhhh oh god uh fudge .why they have to end it like that? i dont get it did they actually do that to make there readers hurt? i bet no but just uhh gooooooooood!!!! pls pls make the ending more beautyfull not like this the boy i mean the character is crying he didnt even say good bye i want to see those two to be togethere happily ever after i can feel the pain on that boy who havent say good bye you know? that is the pain of regretting that you cant be back what ever you want to make that day back it wont back uhh that is sooo hurt
