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He felt thrown away

GoldenOG September 9, 2020 4:15 am

Issac felt like he was being betrayed, tossed like trash, being abandoned and he knew that feel all too well. If only she had explained to him would he have understood and not have been so hurt and felt betrayal. That look on his face has made my heart sink deeply. It is Issac's life, not hers. She shouldn't pull stings doing what she thinks is best for him, even if it is. It is his life and his alone, he should be able to have an opinion and be able to make independent choices himself. Instead, she decided to act on her own and he was hurt. There may be trust that will never be completely or entirely there when she asks him to go somewhere with her from now on.

    Foory_ September 9, 2020 4:59 am

    Agree, i hope she get her ass back to Isaac. My heart hurt bc of his face..