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someone pls explain to me T.T

runachan September 9, 2020 9:10 pm

one thing that confuses me is why would be winter so scared of choosing the 2nd option from zoe if that means at the end of the time, winter can go back to jane once he is completely recovered? it's not like they won't meet each other at all again?
also in the previous chapter, didn't they say that being on jane's side makes the time flows for winter? now that he is once again back on her side, won't that make time flow again and won't it affect his health once more?

    Yuri December 24, 2020 4:00 pm

    choosing the 2nd option meant that he'd become like how he was when he was with his master/before meeting jane. He'd lose all his memories of her and be completely devoid of emotion so even if he would see Jane again he wouldnt remember her or the time they spent together or the things they did

    its true that being with Jane made time flow for winter since he started having emotions and became more human so time caught up to him. but using the Sage's stone Winter was healed so he became a normal human and his scars were gone so its like a permanent fix as compared to before so it wont affect him