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I smell MiyuSawa here! That glasses guy, Aoki-san... As I thought, he is very similar to M...

Daiya no Ace Fan February 10, 2015 6:02 am

I smell MiyuSawa here!
That glasses guy, Aoki-san...
As I thought, he is very similar to Miyuki Kazuya isnt he!? They wear glasses, have the same kind of hairstyle, totally competent in their job, only has 1 friend, and annoyingly rude and blunt... aww... <3
And the janitor, something sawa guy, he even had the same kanji for his name as Sawamura.. Well, he isn't as loud and as annoying(-ly cute) enough, but he is cute! And totally oblivious! Thats Sawamura there!

    Anonymous February 10, 2015 7:11 am

    Your Comment made me read this :D
    But I think it's only in the looks (that Aoki and Miyuki )

    Anonymous May 23, 2015 7:43 pm

    who are they

    ohana21 November 6, 2015 12:08 pm

    IKR!!..i thought i'm the only one who's keep seeing Miyuki in Aoki. His smirk and the bluntness, uwaaa~i'm shipping them so hard