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The “I already read/ I’m reading/ I want to read” tab error?

iveeeeeykeke September 11, 2020 11:20 am

Hey guys I have now probably been on this site for about a year and I know for a fact that I had marked every title I encountered properly. Just a few months ago my “I already read” was nearing 1000 but today I went to look at the number it’s back down to 800. Is mangago deleting my bookmarks or past titles I have read? it’s not too big of an issue, I’m just wondering if I’m going crazy rn lol

    ✨Suujin September 11, 2020 11:25 am

    When a manga is marked as 'only visible for myself', it doesnt show in the number count.

    iveeeeeykeke September 11, 2020 12:26 pm
    When a manga is marked as 'only visible for myself', it doesnt show in the number count. ✨Suujin

    ohh but i never mark anything as that so idk why the count is still dropping

    i_like_gay_fyi January 27, 2021 1:14 am

    how do you see the "already read" books....where can i find those that i "already read"