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Wow, the super rare unicorn - a really good Harlequin wherein both of the MCs are all-arou...

Anonymous September 11, 2020 12:25 pm

Wow, the super rare unicorn - a really good Harlequin wherein both of the MCs are all-around decent people! Especially the non-[insert expletive here] male lead who feels entitled to having the female. Other than the blackmail - I almost forgot about that because the rest of the relationship was so fluffy; but I kind of get the feeling he wouldn't have gone through with it anyway… and Andy even felt secure enough with Darius to tease him about it too. ;) I also love the fact that they've both overcome hardships and are now supportive of each other (instead of the usual roundabout misunderstandings and/or victim blaming). Plus, both of the evil people got punished one way or another!

So yeah, I guess I'm venting about the 'usual' Harlequin tropes - but seriously, this is an awesome story! (●'◡'●)ノ
